HKQF International Conference 2018 - “QF in the Next Decade: Quality, Progression and Recognition”


HKQF International Conference 2018 - “QF in the Next Decade: Quality, Progression and Recognition”

The HKQF International Conference 2018 held on 17-18 September 2018 was jointly organized by the Education Bureau and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat, with the support of the European Commission, the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership, the Quality and Qualifications Ireland and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie LAM, officiated at the Conference which was attended by over 400 representatives from around the world including government officials, qualifications framework and quality assurance experts, academics, professionals in education and training sector and industry experts. 

Speeches and Presentations

  • Development of Vocational and Professional Education & Training in Hong Kong
    by Mrs Carrie YAU 

Event and Publicity Materials

Exhibition on HKQF

