Support Scheme for Education and Training providers (including organisations offering in-house training programmes)
Including the following four subsidy schemes to support education & training providers and organisations offering in-house training programmes to develop QF-recognised programmes.
The Scheme covers the fees for accreditation exercises, including Initial Evaluation (IE), Institutional Review (IR), Learning Programme Accreditation (LPA) and Learning Programme Re-accreditation (re-LPA).
** Starting from 1 February 2021, applicants who are non-self-accrediting operators developing SCS-based or SGC-based courses can apply for both the Accreditation Grant for Self-financing Programmes and the SCS-based/SGC-based Courses Development Grant by filling in one application form (QFF-AG/DG) and submitting the supporting documents once. For details, please refer to the guidance notes.
Providers and qualifications concerned must be successfully accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).
Programmes / qualifications concerned must be registered in the Qualifications Register (QR).
Applicable to self-financing programmes*.
* Self-financing programmes refer to programmes other than publicly-funded programmes offered by the eight institutions funded by the University Grants Committee, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Vocational Training Council and Prince Philip Dental Hospital.
Level of Subsidy
# Institutional Review (IR) include IR for registration under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance, IR for private university title and IR for university of applied sciences (UAS).
The Scheme covers the fees for Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) and Periodic Institutional Review (PIR).
Programmes and qualifications concerned must be successfully accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).
Level of Subsidy
Specification of Competency Standards (SCS)-based / Specification of Generic (Foundation) Competencies (SGC)-based Courses Development Grant Scheme provides a one-off grant for development of SCS-based/SGC-based courses with class started.
** Starting from 1 February 2021, applicants who are non-self-accrediting operators developing SCS-based or SGC-based courses can apply for both the Accreditation Grant for Self-financing Programmes and the SCS-based/SGC-based Courses Development Grant by filling in one application form (QFF-AG/DG) and submitting the supporting documents once. For details, please refer to the guidance notes.
Newly developed SCS-based / SGC-based courses with class started.
Courses / qualifications concerned must be successfully accredited.
Must be registered in the Qualifications Register (QR).
Level of Subsidy
The Scheme covers the fees for registering and hosting qualifications and their associated programmes in the Qualifications Register (QR).
All qualifications and their associated programmes registered in Qualifications Register (QR).
Level of Subsidy
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Support Scheme
Including the following two subsidy schemes to support industry practitioners to apply for RPL and appointed assessment agencies to provide RPL assessment services.
Applicants should apply for RPL through an appointed assessment agency of the respective industry.
Successfully passed the RPL assessment of a cluster of Units of Competency at any level and obtained a Statement of Attainment (SoA).
Applicants should apply for reimbursement within two years from the issue date of the SoA.
Level of Subsidy
Documents required for Application for Reimbursement of RPL Assessment Fees
Applicants are required to submit the following documents certified by an Assessment Agency to Qualifications Framework Secretariat for further processing of their applications for reimbursement of RPL assessment fees.
- The duly completed and signed application form
- Original of RPL payment receipt(s) (Certified*)
- List of Clusters of Units of Competency (Certified*)
- Copy of RPL SoA(s) (Certifed*)
- Proof of personal bank account
*For details of certification, please refer to Application Guidelines.
Application Documents
Submission of Application
Application for Reimbursement of RPL assessment fees should be submitted to the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS).
Address: Units 901-903, 9/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen"s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Enquiry: 3793-3957
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm, 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
Accreditation Grant/Assessment fee to AAs/collaborating organisations
Start-up Grant to AAs
Annual Maintenance Grant to AAs
Subsidy to AAs
Scope and Level of Subsidy
Application Documents
For application and enquiries, please contact Further Education Division of Education Bureau (Telephone no.: 3509 7425, Fax no.: 2899 2967).
Support Scheme for Recognition of Professional Qualifications under HKQF
Provision of support to appointed assessment agencies in providing assessment services for professional qualifications.
For application for reimbursement and enquiries, please contact Further Education Division of Education Bureau (Telephone no.: 3509 7425, Fax no.: 2899 2967).