Security Services industry - Vocational Qualifications Pathway
  • Security Services ITAC launched VQP in September 2023 covering the following 7 areas, please click on the post titles for more detials.

  • Or you can download the full version here

  • Education and training providers are encouraged to design VQP courses which are fully-matched with the requirements of the job roles, or as specified by the industry.

    *The job functions, job titles and progression pathways may vary among companies.

1. This chart which gives an overview of the commonly known Structures, Functional Areas and Job Titles is for reference only. Organizations should establish the Structures, Functions and Job Titles applicable to their own needs. 
2. “Security Systems Related Services” includes “installation, maintenance and/or repairing of a security device and/or designing (for any particular premises or place) a security system incorporating a security device”.
3. Any individual who does security work regulated by the Security and Guarding Services Ordinance (Chapter 460) for another person for reward, must be the holder of a Security Personnel Permit that is valid for that type of work. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap 460 Section 10).

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