Close Logistics Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) content

Terms of appointment : 1.1.2025 - 31.12.2027

Ir Kelvin KO
Vice Chairperson
Mr Sunny HO, MH, JP
Mr Ringo CHAN
Mr Zennon CHENG
Dr Timothy CHENG
Ms Catherine CHOW
Ms Carol CHU
Mr CHU Hon-chung
Mr HO Ka-sing
Mr Raymond KAN
Mr Henry KO
Mr Johnson KWONG
Mr Simon LAM
Mr Henry LAM
Mr Andrew LAW
Ms Scarlett LEE
Ir Dr Kelvin LEUNG
Mr Gary NG
Mr WONG Sheung-yeung
Mr Brian WU
Mr Wilson YAP Yee-liek
Ir Elsa YUEN
Education Bureau Representative
Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department Representative
Hong Kong Logistics Development Council Representative
Hong Kong Post Representative

QF supporters

Airport Air Freight Employees' Association
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Board of Airlines Representative (BAR)
Civil Aviation Department
Container Transportation Employees General Union
Federation of Hong Kong Industries - Transport and Logistics Service Council
Goods Loading, Unloading and Transportation Workers Union
Harbour Transportation Workers General Union
Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Employees Union
Hong Kong Air Freight Transport and Express Transport Employees Union
Hong Kong and Kowloon Motor Boats and Tug Boats Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Association of Aircargo Truckers Ltd.
Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Ltd (HAFFA)
Hong Kong Aviation Industry Employees General Union
Hong Kong Cargo Vessel Traders' Association Ltd. (CVTA)
Hong Kong CFS & Logistics Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Association (HKCTOA)
Hong Kong Container Tractor Owner Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department
Hong Kong Docks & Ports Industries Union
Hong Kong E-Logistics Practitioners Association
Hong Kong Fork-lift Trucks Professionals Association
Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce - Shipping & Transport Committee
Hong Kong Godown Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Harbour Transportation Supervisory and Clerical Employees Association
Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association
Hong Kong Logistics Association Ltd (HKLA)
Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL)
Hong Kong Logistics Management Staff Association (LMSA)
Hong Kong Maritime Industry Council
Hong Kong Mid-stream Operators Association (HKMOA)
Hong Kong Post
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Hong Kong Sea Transport & Logistics Association Ltd. (HKSTLA)
Hong Kong Seamen's Union
Hong Kong Shipowners' Association Ltd.
Hong Kong Shippers' Council
Hong Kong Storehouses And Transportation & Logistics Staff Association
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Institute of Purchasing & Supply of HK
Institute of Seatransport
Internet Professional Association
Lighter and Cargo-boat Transportation Workers Union
Logistics Practitioners Union
Merchant Navy Officers' Guild Hong Kong
Motor Transport Workers General Union
Occupational Safety & Health Council (OSHC)
Shipping Employees Union
The Chamber of HK Logistics industry
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT)
The Goods Vehicle Fleet Owners Association Ltd.
The Hong Kong International Courier Association
The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Hong Kong Branch
The Staffs and Workers Union of Hong Kong Civil Airlines
Union of Godown and Wharf Transportation Workers
Vocational Training Council - Transport Logistics Training Board (TLTB)