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Mr Jackson LEUNG
Vice Chairperson
Mr William SO
Mr CHENG Tung-yuen
Dr CHEUNG Shin-yee
Mr Dicky CHOY
Ms CHUNG Kit-hung
Mr Percy FUNG
Mr Billy KWONG
Mr Ray LAI
Mr Peter LAU
Mr Tony LIM
Mr Nathan LUI
Mr John NG
Ms Janice POON
Ms SO Man-yee
Dr Sharon WONG
Ms Anita WAN
Mr Patrick YEUNG
Mr Danny YU
Mr Paul YUEN
Education Bureau Representative
Government Logistics Department Representative

QF supporters

Government Logistics Department
Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Printing and Publishing Media Industry Workers Union
Hong Kong Publishing Federation Limited
Institute of Print-Media Professionals
The Hong Kong Printers Association
The Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society Limited
Hong Kong Digital Printing Association