Consultation Session on on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for the Printing & Publishing Industry cum QF Promotion Day


Consultation Session on on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathway for the Printing & Publishing Industry cum QF Promotion Day

The Printing and Publishing Industry Training Advisory Committee and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat hosted an industry consultation session on the draft Vocational Qualifications Pathways(VQP) for the Printing and Publishing industry cum QF promotion day on 20 September 2019. Representatives of the Professional Writers introduced the content of the draft VQPs, and the guest speakers shared their views on the usefulness of the VQPs. Furthermore, two awardees from “Award Scheme for Learning Experiences” shared their experiences in participating in the scheme. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Printing & Publishing ITAC, some former ITAC members also joined the event, and made this event memorable.