QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony


QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony 2023 cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration

QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration was successfully held on 10 May 2023.  Certificates of commendation were presented by Mr SZE Chun-fai, acting Secretary for Education to over 100 organisations for their support and contributions to Qualifications Framework (QF).  12 organisations and 11 partner organisations were commended as 2022 QFIA Achiever and QFIA Achiever (Partner) at the Ceremony.  Mr. SZE Chun-fai hopes other organisations could make reference to these exemplary practices in applying the QF elements in the future.

Press release : Acting SED commends Qualifications Framework Partners

Event booklet : QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony cum QF 15th Anniversary Celebration (Chinese version only)