RPL for the Automotive industry launched in 15 November 2011. Vocational Training Council (VTC) is appointed as the assessment agency (AA) until 30 June 2027.

Objectives of RPL mechanism:

  • Recognize practitioners’ experience, knowledge and skills acquired at the workplace.
  • Facilitate individuals to set clear directions for further training without starting from scratch.
  • Encourage industry practitioners to pursue continuing education and lifelong learning.


Application Procedures

Minimum working experience requirements for applications of each level
 QF Level Years of working experience
Level 3 5 years of working experience in Automotive industry (including 3 years experience relevant to the cluster)
Level 4 6 years of working experience in Automotive industry (including 4 years experience relevant to the cluster)

Submission of application to AA

Documents for applications:

  • application form
  • proof of working experience
  • assessment fees
Applications processed by AA

AA verify the documents and arrange assessment test

Transitional period for the Automotive industry ended on 30 November 2019.  Applicatant has to go through assessment test for all levels of RPL applications.


Apply for reimbursement of assessment fees

Statement of Attainment (SoA) will be awarded to applicant who has successfully passed the assessment test.  Applicant could apply for reimbursement of assessment fees to Qualifications Framework Secretariat.

RPL Qualifications

There are altogether 18 QF level 3 to level 4 RPL qualifications covering the following 8 areas for the application of practitioners:

  • Parts and Accessories Sales
  • Repair Consultancy
  • Vehicle Damage Surveying
  • Vehicle Examination
  • Vehicle Marketing
  • Vehicle Operating Places Management
  • Vehicle Repair and Testing
  • Vehicles Sales

Please visit Automotive RPL AA website for details.


The VRSVM of the EMSD Applied VQP for Developing a New Registration Pathway via RPL Mechanism

To further upgrade the professionalism of the Registered Vehicle Mechanics and to keep abreast of the industry development, the "Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Mechanics (VRSVM)" of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) has applied competency requirements for four job posts in the Vocational Qualifications Pathway(VQP) under Qualifications Framework and developed a new pathway for registration as Registered Vehicle Mechanics via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) mechanism. To address the above arrangement, the Automotive Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) has launched four new RPL qualifications with effect from 3 July 2023. Details are provided below:

Class of Registration under VRSVM RPL Qualification Job post in VQP
Mechanical Services [M] Vehicle Servicing (Mechanical Services) (Level 3)

Vehicle Mechanic (Mechanical Services)

Electrical Services [E] Vehicle Servicing (Electrical Services) (Level 3)

Vehicle Mechanic (Electrical Services)

Body Repair [B1] Vehicle Servicing (Body Repair) (Level 3)

Vehicle Mechanic (Body Repair)

Body Painting [B2] Vehicle Servicing (Body Painting) (Level 3)

Vehicle Mechanic (Body Painting)

For details of the above arrangement, please click here (Chinese version only).