Qualifications Framework Briefing for Fashion Industry


Qualifications Framework Briefing for Fashion Industry

In order to promote Qualifications Framework (QF) to more practitioners of the fashion industry, Hong Kong Wearing Apparel Industry Employees General Union, Hong Kong & Kowloon Spinning Weaving and Dyeing Trade Workers General Union, and Garment Fashion Practitioners Association jointly organized the "QF Briefing for Fashion Industry" in the evening of 30 May 2018 for their members. Representatives of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) were invited to introduce the concept of QF, the applications of the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS), as well as the mechanism of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and its benefits to the practitioners. Participants asked questions enthusiastically. In the evening, QFS introduced to over 40 participants the main points of the Fashion SCS Draft, and encouraged them to express their opinion towards the SCS contents by filling in the online consultation questionnaire during the industry consultation period (i.e. by 31 July 2018).