Industry Consultation Session on the Draft SCS (Version 2) for Fashion Industry


Industry Consultation Session on the Draft SCS (Version 2) for Fashion Industry

The Fashion Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) kick-started a two-month industry consultation (from 16 December 2020 to 16 February 2021) on the Draft Fashion SCS (Version 2) and UoC clusters, and also conducted a consultation session on 11 January 2021 at the Clothing Industry Training Authority (CITA) in Kowloon Bay to gauge views from different stakeholders on the Draft. Around 100 industry practitioners attending the consultation session were well noted about the revision rationale and content of the Draft, the application of Vocational Qualifications Pathway (VQP) and the benefits of the updated SCS. With positive feedback from the industry, the SCS has been finalised and made available online.