Online Briefing and Consultation Session on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Elderly Care Service Industry (Community Care and Support)


Online Briefing and Consultation Session on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards for Elderly Care Service Industry (Community Care and Support)

An online briefing and consultation session on the draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for the community care and support branch of the elderly care service industry hosted by the Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat was held on 20 January 2021 to gauge views from different stakeholders on the draft. Over 60 participants joined the online session. The Chairman of the Elderly Care Service ITAC, Dr LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP, gave the welcoming remark, followed by a brief introduction on the use of SCS delivered by the Convenor of the SCS-drafting Sub-committee, Professor CHUNG Wai-yee, Joanne, and the content of the draft SCS presented by the representatives of the professional writer. Ms YUNG Lai of the Haven of Hope Professional Training Institute, Haven of Hope Christian Service also shared practical experiences in using the SCS of the residential care branch. Her presentation was inspiring and helped shed lights on planning the application of SCS in human resource management by industry stakeholders.