Celebration Ceremony for 10th Anniversary of Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee cum QF Stakeholders Forum for the Banking Industry


Celebration Ceremony for 10th Anniversary of Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee cum QF Stakeholders Forum for the Banking Industry

The Banking Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) held the captioned event at the Central Government Offices, Tamar on 24 October 2016. The objectives of the event were to mark the 10th anniversary of Banking ITAC and to strengthen continued partnership among various industry stakeholders. Mr NG Leung-sing, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Banking ITAC, officiated at the ceremony with the following guests: Mr Arthur YUEN, JP, Deputy Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Monetary Authority The Hon Ronick CHAN, Legislative Councillor Mrs Marion LAI, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education Mr Andrew WONG, JP, Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Over 200 persons attended the event, providing valuable views on charting the future roadmap of Qualifications Framework for the banking industry in Hong Kong. The Banking ITAC 10th Anniversary Commemorative Publication (Electronic Version) is available from https://www.hkqfs.org/bitac/.
