Representatives of QFS attended three events of the beauty industry


Representatives of QFS attended three events of the beauty industry

On 17 & 19 August, 2023, representatives of QFS attended three events of the beauty industry, including「第三屆美容教育獎學金嘉許禮」of the Federation of Beauty Industry (HK), the Inauguration Ceremony of the Committee (2023-2025) of the International CICA Association of Esthetics, and 「專業資歷盡顯實力-美容師節2023頒獎典禮」co-organised by five associations including the HK Association of Professional Aesthetician International, International CICA Association of Esthetics, Hong Kong International Professional Trainers Association, The Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Limited, and International Professional Cosmetology Association Limited. Mr. Steve LAI, General Manager of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat officiated at two of the events and expressed gratitude to the industry stakeholders who actively promote the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework and encourage lifelong learning, thereby contributing to the professionalisation of the industry.