The New Generation - QF" organized by the Hong Kong Association of Hair Design"
The New Generation - QF" organized by the Hong Kong Association of Hair Design"
"The New Generation - QF", organised by the Hong Kong Association of Hair Design (HKAHD), took place on 15 October 2010. Mr. William Tang, President of HKAHD, shared his views on the industry trend, and representatives of the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) presented to some 100 members of HKAHD in the audience the latest development of QF. Two hairdressers also shared their stories on career breakthroughs after acquiring the QF qualifications --- Having acquired QF qualifications through the RPL mechanism, Niki started successfully his career as a hairdressing trainer, whereas Tiffany improved her skills after taking SCS-based courses and is promoted to the position of hair stylist. They encouraged fellow hairdressers to learn more about QF, and leverage on it to better equip themselves. Finally, the event ended by a terrific hair show.
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