Consultation Session on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards (Version 2) for the Automotive Industry


Consultation Session on the Draft Specification of Competency Standards (Version 2) for the Automotive Industry

The Automotive Industry Training Advisory Committee (ITAC) and the Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) jointly organized an industry consultation session on the draft Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) (Version 2) for the Automotive industry on 24 August 2018 at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi). At the event, Dr Ringo LEE, Chairman of the Automotive ITAC was invited to deliver a welcome speech, while the QFS and the professional writer took the participants through the details of the consultation exercise and the updated SCS. In the ensuing sharing session, Ms Ellen MAN, Member of SCS Drafting Subcommittee of the Automotive ITAC kindly undertook as a facilitator, together with the three guest speakers, namely, Mr FUNG Man-keung of IVE(TY) Engineering Department, Mr TO Kwok-leung of Grace Motors Service Centre and Mr Ray TANG of KBIA Motor Services Centre, to share their experience on application of SCS for various purposes with the participants. Around 100 employers and industry practitioners attended the event.

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